<script>on mouseUpif the showpict of this card is true thenif the visible of card field "Mehrinfo" is true thenhide card field "Mehrinfo"set the showPict of this card to falseelseshow card field "Mehrinfo"end ifend ifend mouseUp</script>
<script>on openCardhide card field "Freeware"hide card field "K├╝hltruhenermahnung"hide card field "Suchinfo"hide card field "Kasteninfo"hide card field "Neuinfo"hide card field "Neusamminfo"hide card field "Acknowledgements"hide card field "Copyright"hide card field "Gesamtinfo"hide card field "Mehrinfo"hide picture of this cardshow menuBarset the scroll of card field "Gesamtinfo" to 0end openCardon doMenu wasif was = "Message" or was = "Find..." or was = "Cut picture" or was = "Clear picture" then exit doMenuelse pass doMenuend doMenu</script>